HC Request Form



For a list of Request Type definitions click here
All non-urgent requests will be required to be submitted at least 2 days prior to due date.  Please set priority level based on the definitions below.  ALL URGENT REQUESTS WILL NEED MANAGEMENT APPROVAL PRIOR TO SUBMISSION. 

Priority Definitions:
Low- Completed 30-90 days from submission
Medium-Completed 14-30 days from submission 
High-Completed 2-7 days from submission
Urgent-Completed 1-2 days from submission 

Please allow for 48 business for requests.

Health Cloud New user creation

Select All That Apply

Report/Dashboard Creation

Please list fields you would like included. Include the criteria you would like the report/dashboard to meet.

Marketing Cloud Mass Email Send

Data load in to Health Cloud

Training internal to the team

Training external to the team

 Error in Health Cloud

Reactivate User

To make multiple selections, press Ctrl and click on selection.

Health Cloud Enhancement Request

Health Cloud Change Requests are subject to evaluation and approval by Leadership.

Access Change of Current User

To make multiple selections, press Ctrl and click on selection.

To make multiple selections, press Ctrl and click on selection.

Email/SMS Template Change

To make multiple selections, press Ctrl and click on selection.

Health Cloud Change Requests are subject to evaluation and approval by Leadership.

Call Center Lite Job

Please copy and paste the list of callers here. If you have callers who are new to Salesforce, please include their first name, last name, Linkblue, e-mail, address, and department.

If you have a previously created Salesforce report, please provide the report name or link here.